Tri-City Wellness Centre Online Store
I have been using these specific products for myself, as well as for my family and patients, with great success for over 10 years. Please let me help you find the right products for your specific needs – email or phone me directly.
Georgina Hanchar, Tri-City Wellness Centre Owner
(519) 267-8855
We ship anywhere in Canada. All the prices are in CAD. S&H fees and tax are added at check-out.
For orders over $200, please contact our office at (519) 267-8855, or by email:
A.D.P. 120 Tablets
Anti-Dysbiosis Product
A.D.P. 60 Tablets
Anti-Dysbiosis Product
Bio B Complex
Vitamin B Support
Bio C Plus 1000
Vitamin C Support
Rejuvenative Tonic
Bio-D-Mulsion 400
Vitamin D
BioDoph-7 Plus
Prebiotic/Probiotic Support
Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids
Chlorella Caps
Fresh Water Green Algae
Chondrosamine Plus
Cartilage/Tissue Repair
Gastric Inflammation Healing
Hydro-Zyme 250 Tablets
Digestive Support
Hydro-Zyme 90 Tablets
Digestive Support
Intenzyme Forte 100 Tablets
Enzyme Therapy
Intenzyme Forte 50 Tablets
Enzyme Therapy
Intenzyme Forte 500 Tablets
Enzyme Therapy
Zn Zyme Forte
Zinc Supplement